für gross und klein
Events auf dem Mini-Hof
Why Choose Us
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • High quality
    We are the leading firm by delivering quality and value to our clients.
  • Support
    Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night.
  • Experience
    Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience. They use their knowledge to make our clients’ life better.
  • Individual Approach
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success at all levels.
Our Best Works
It is not sufficient to see and to know the beauty of a piece. We must feel it and be affected by it.
Yoga inmitten Alpakas
Yoga inmitten Alpakas auf der Alpakaweide.ch
Picknick inmitten Alpakas
Picknick mit Alpakas auf dem Mini Hof
Mehr Info's
Für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis
Apéro Privatpersonen
Erholung in der Natur in mitten der Tiere
1. August brunch
Geniessen sie in der Natur den Nationalfeiertag
Der Samichlaus auf dem Mini-Hof